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Our Values

Our vision and values at St Anselm’s are guided by our Mission Statement;

‘Learning and growing together through prayer, belief and love’

We are a learning community committed to putting the gospel values at the centre of all that we do. In our school all children are welcomed and nurtured within a partnership of support between school, home and parish so that each may reach their full potential. We celebrate and value the uniqueness of the individual and believe each child is, “created in the image and likeness of God”. (Gen 1:27)

At St Anselm’s we put our vision and values into practice daily by:

  • Encouraging  all members of our school community to be proactive, caring and responsible Christians
  • Developing in children a passion and love of learning by providing a curriculum, which is broad and balanced; that delivers a high quality, inclusive education for all, where creativity and independence are allowed to blossom and thrive.
  • Teaching  the children the life-long skills of perseverance and responding to challenge to enable them to contribute successfully in society now and in their later life.
  • Nurturing the children to develop their confidence and positive self-esteem to help them grow into happy, confident, and well-adjusted children.
  • Providing a learning environment, that is nurturing, supportive and stimulating for children and staff.
  • Dedicating ourselves to doing everything that we can so that children grow as healthy as possible, are protected from harm and are listened to and treated fairly in line with our rights respecting school work.
  • Developing in the children an appreciation and respect for other religions and cultures in our society.
  • Encouraging and motivating  our highly skilled team of staff and continually developing our knowledge to ensure the best possible education for all of our children.
  • Providing a positive community where partnerships between the children’s families, the parish and the wider community are recognised, valued and promoted in order to achieve the best outcomes for the children in our school.