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Our Governors

The role of the Governing Body

To ensure that every child receives the best possible education, the Governing Body fulfils a vital role (as defined by the School Governance (Roles, Responsibilities and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013) by:

  • Ensuring a clearly defined vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school.
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Through the Governing Body and its committees, governors provide knowledge and wisdom, gained outside the school, to benefit the school using their financial, planning, administration and parenting skills, to inform and advise the school leadership team on various issues.

About the Governing Body

The Governing Body operates a 'circle model'. The board has resolved to conduct all its business as a full board, and to work collectively without committees (apart from the Renumeration Committee - membership drawn from three non-staff Governors available).

In addition to our full governing bodies which meet at least 9 times a year, the board has appointed Link Governors annually. Having delegated governors does not reduce the collective accountability of the board for all its functions. The board will need to ensure that its agenda and reporting mechanisms enables all board members to have a collective strategic overview for all delegated monitored areas to enable accountability and effective informed decision making.

In addition to the full board meeting, the governing body will convene from time to time to consider matters which fall under pupil discipline, complaints, admissions and grievances. Full details of our governance structure is found in our Terms of Reference.

Governing Body Overview

Governing Body Attendance Record

Governing Body Terms of Reference

Please click on a governor below to find out more about the roles they play in our school.


Governing Body (ID 1309)

  • Ms L Barnard
    Chair of Governors
  • Fr. D McGuire
    Religious Education Link
  • Mrs K De Souza
  • Mr P Boonman
    Quality of Education Link
  • Mr G Nash
    Leadership and Management Link
  • J Rooney
    Online Safety Governor
  • Mr A Hargreaves
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr P Davison-Reiber
    Foundation Governor
  • Mr D O Riordan
    Foundation Governor
  • Mrs E Hubbard
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs C Jackson
  • Ms T Hunt

Governors serving in the last 12 months

Please click on an ex-governor below to find out more about the roles they played in our school.


Ex-Governing Body (ID 1310)

  • Mrs E Kinnear
    Local Authority Governor
  • S Patel
    Associate Member
  • Mr J Madders
    Health and Safety Governor
  • Mrs S Shibu
    Quality of Education Link
  • Mrs M Musisi
    ECT Governor

Governing Body Structure - from November 2023

The Governing Body at St Anselm’s has from November 2023 operated a flat Full Governing Body meeting structure. This means that the Full Governing Body meets 9 times a year and chooses not to delegate the majority of governance to Committees.

The FGB is, however, supported by the Pay Committee and Admissions Committee that meet once a year. Both Committees are comprised of non-staff Governors who are drawn from the Full Governing Body.

Instrument of Government

The instrument of Government of St Anselm’s Catholic Governing Body is as follows:

9 Foundation Governors

2 Parent Governors

1 Headteacher

1 Local Authority Governor

1 Staff Governor

2 Co-opted Governor